Wednesday, March 5, 2014

living vs. thriving

I keep seeing great inspirational quotes posted on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even in Cracker Barrel's store-

the final quote is what really gets me.

am I living, or am I thriving?

as I was cooking dinner Monday night, enjoying being able to take off my shoes after a long day with the kids & taking pride in my ability to serve a yummy meal for my roommate & me, I realized I'm very thankful for this time in my life.

someday, I will have a family of my own. I won't get to decide last minute that I want to run a certain errand that day on my way home from work- I'll have children to pick up from school & help with homework & hear about their day. I won't be able to play my music loud on my phone as I'm preparing food at my leisure, serving it whenever it's done & we feel like eating- I'll likely have children needing to be watched as I'm cooking, & we'll need to eat at a fairly consistent time to help them maintain a sense of normalcy and routines.

don't get me wrong- I CAN'T WAIT to have a family of my own! I truly believe God has placed that desire in my heart for a purpose, as it has been there my entire life as long as I remember. I didn't plan a wedding as a child, I planned my dream home, organizational materials, names for children, & dates I would one day go on with my husband.

but Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds me "there's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth...".

I will never be 23 & single again. I will only have me and Chloe to be responsible for a marginal period of my life before there are so many other things for me to take care of. & as much as I love my life, I am simply living right now.

I will never have this time back to THRIVE.

one step at a time I want to find my passion, work hard, & love what I do.

I took the first step. I applied to grad school. I actively want to better myself, & this is the first part of me going beyond just moving through everyday & finally doing something everyday that I feel changes me, & those around me. I want to thrive.