my mom turned 53 yesterday. it feels like just yesterday I threw the sneakiest of surprise 50th birthday parties for her, including fake church bulletins advertising an Adult Game Night ;)
there is no person in the world that has had a bigger impact on me than Becky Taylor Haas. my very first memories are with her, my favorite conversations have occurred with her, and she still loves me despite me being the worst child she has raised so far.
my mom...
- can remember your face and how many kids you have after not seeing you for years
- went from being a Mary Kay lady to imparting the wisdom of not focusing on outer looks to her children
- met my dad when her dad trapped my poor, unsuspecting father in their garage while he fixed the door- and my Papaw told him he had a daughter he needed off of his hands
- loves that same dad more today than any day before they had 5 weird and wonderful kids and 29 years together
- put up with being my "second choice" for most of my childhood- knowing I needed that time to be my daddy's girl
- probably put up with this because she too was her daddy's girl- a dad she's had to live without for 21 years
- knows the words to every song from the 60's on- and can sing them for you in perfect pitch or blended harmony without musical accompaniment at any time
- says "oh, love allllll" when people in movies kiss and "that's not talking nice" when there is cursing
- told me the meaning of real love when I first had my heart broken at the ripe age of 14
- and then sat up with me at 2AM when I had my heart broken again at 21 and spent the night taking down everything that reminded me of him
- answers my phone calls for topics such as: how do I know when chicken is cooked? how much should it cost for me to buy new tires? what kind of oil do I need for ____? how often should I take this medicine? did you hear whose pregnant? can you bring me Gatorade?
- has hurt me more than anyone else in my life has- by telling me the truth about myself and where I need to work on myself as only a mom can see
- has the ability to make you feel important and wanted by merely allowing herself to just BE- without a schedule, without anything else that needs done, just enjoying your company
love you Mom, even if my words come out better to you written than they do elsewhere.
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as you're with me, your baby I'll be.
but when you and Dad get senile you are DEFINITELY going into a nursing home and not my house.