I wanted to write about something that's been on my mind, & frequently bothers me.
how often do you have conversations like this?
"I'm so swamped at work. I just put in a 10 hour day and work another 10 hour day tomorrow."
"oh that's nothing- I worked 10 hours but then had to go home, feed my kids dinner, make their lunches, do laundry & THEN I work a 10 hour day tomorrow too!"
"I only got 5 hours of sleep last night & I feel sick."
"tell me about it, my mom said she was feeling sick. I slept for like 9 hours but OMGGG I have the WORST headache imaginable, I think I need to go home."
this is my face when that happens:
why is that socially acceptable? why is life a competition & whoever is most stressed & unhappy wins? when did we stop realizing that venting is healthy & normal & necessary for most people, & when you "top" their vent session it's like saying they have no right to feel the way they feel? do we need social etiquette training to teach us that it's appropriate to listen, nod, sympathize, & THEN move on to our own thoughts?
or maybe that's just me.
maybe I'm over sensitive. maybe you can blame it on my upbringing where I was listened to thoroughly & my hardships weren't weighed & measured (unless you count my parents forcing me to watch "What About Bob" a hundred times to convince me I'm not a hypochondriac like I thought I was every time I got sick). maybe you can blame it on my ex who waited until I was finished talking about my day & then gave me 10 suggestions of what I should have done differently in order to make my life "better". we could also blame it on the incredible class I took in college, the Listening Post, where I realized we all need to be taught to listen, or else this is what happens:

other pet peeves include:
- chewing with your mouth open (gum or food)
- shaking hands
- fake laughs
- people who argue just to argue
- flirts
- smelly people
- passive aggressiveness
- people who are always "in a hurry"
- when you don't use your turn signals. CARS HAVE THEM FOR A REASON.
- lazy people
what did I miss that's most annoying? if you answer "Lexi", I'll chew with my mouth open while shaking your hand in a flirty way the next time I see you.