1. read the Bible in a year
since I've definitely never finished reading all of the Bible, I want this to be a priority and look forward to diving in. it frustrates me sometimes that I can be "good" at other things in life and accomplish them, but I lack discipline in this important area!
2. run a half marathon
I actually love running when I dedicate the time to it. 2 years ago, I was running 4-5 miles straight which took forever for me to accomplish. I'm setting a plan to train for a half marathon to have real motivation to continue working out regularly for a specific purpose!
3. spend time daily laughing with Bee
it's measurable for me :) this little girl is so happy, and the time we had together over Christmas and New Year's that I took off work has been so sweet to be with her all day (while also teaching me I don't have the fortitude to be a full-time stay-at-home mom). I want to make sure I'm purposeful with her everyday focusing on the funny things, and engaging her playful side. I also hope this keeps me from focusing on my phone and focusing more on her- she deserves my undivided attention, and I never want to be an addict to a device.
4. cook more.
not super specific, but I'm an adequate cook who can follow recipes, I just am bored of doing the same few things over and over. since Bee really needs to start eating a wide variety of foods, I also want to make sure I'm eating healthy as an example for her and so she has a variety of good foods to learn to enjoy.
5. just. be. nice.
this will probably be the hardest one for me. I'm not, by nature, a smiley or "happy" person (although I'm a huge optimist, so how?!) I'm pretty tired of having "drama" at my work, since we're all adults and I love my career so interpersonal relationships should be the least of my worries while on the clock. maybe some of this can be changed by me just being "nicer". I also am very black and white which translates well in my mind, but I see how it doesn't come out with the kindness I intend most of the time. time to up my emotional intelligence!
this is what I have- for now! I wanted a combination of achievable, tangible goals but also subtle shifts in my lifestyle. I'm looking forward to staying with a plan and not giving up. 2017 was an amazing, life-changing year, and I look forward to 2018 being another year of learning and growth!