I did my Bachelor's in 3 years because I had my life all planned out. I took huge course loads every semester so I could graduate, move down south, and start working in my dream career as a Child Life Specialist. but in February of my senior year everything changed.
the major I loved suddenly revealed to me that I would have to take 2 internships (2 semesters) in order to sit for the Child Life exam to be certified. I only had one semester left for my degree. Child Life internships are incredibly competitive. Toledo Children's is the only hospital who takes interns. I tried every route I knew of but I finally had to realize my dream job was out of my reach.
fast forward a couple months and everything I dreamed of was also lost along with my dream job- I was single, working an unpaid internship that wasn't what I wanted to do, and I had no plans for after graduation. as August approached and my degree was within reach I grew severely depressed. I was ashamed that I would have nothing to show for my time and money spent on college. my parents helped me pay for my schooling so thank God I was debt free, but that was all I had going for me.
a week after graduation I received 3 calls for interviews- 2 for preschool teaching positions, 1 for a restaurant manager position at PF Chang's. even as I felt myself pulled more towards the manager position, I knew I would be embarrassed if I didn't use my degree. so teaching it was. and what a perfect example of deferring my dreams the next two years would turn out to be.
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