Tuesday, March 7, 2017

a picture an hour

weeks ago, before I knew my life would be changing again very quickly, I took a picture every (waking) hour for a day. a typical Friday, just to document what life was like. I'm grateful to remember and be reminded how much life changes and how much I've been given.
6AM hour- wake up time! I am learning to wake up before baby does so I can get everything ready to go and then just get her dressed then off to daycare!

7AM hour- driving to work. downtown Toledo traffic 

8AM hour- mmm mini muffins

9AM hour- my first Scholastic order form! Baby's daycare class is ordering

10AM hour- some office time, and my winter desk set-up

11AM hour- driving to a visit

12PM hour- lunch of champions in the car

1PM hour- selfies while waiting for my coworkers to arrive at a client's house- neighbor caught me taking this as I creepily waited. parking for home visits is hard, because if you park in their driveway they know you're there so you have to go in immediately. instead I parked down the street and got neighbor frowns.

2PM hour- back to the office and documenting.

3PM hour- my first (!) time working out at the gym since bringing home Baby A! just isn't a priority when there's snuggling to do but I'm trying to balance it all.

4PM hour- my favorite part of the day is pick-up time!  the minutes always drags on my drive to get Baby A- I can't wait to see her sweet face!

5PM hour- after a quick stop at the library, my weekend watchlist! thanks library mafia friends.

6PM hour- delicious leftover chicken & rice soup. my church family has been making me some meals which helps a ton because cooking is nearly impossible after working all day.

7PM hour- after grabbing food, washing my face and getting in PJ's, this is how every night looks. I love our time together, feeling her breathe so peacefully and relax, knowing she's home.

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