Tuesday, April 24, 2018

running (through my mind)

fair warning this is all about running- so get out all of your "I only run if chased, I only run for wine, I only run to donuts" etc. ;)

run spelled backwards is "nur"- that's a nur for me. okay NOW we got em all out? ;)

sooo I did it- my first resolution checked off- I ran my first half marathon Sunday! yes, I wrote first, because I definitely plan to do it again someday.

I shared this in the accountability group I'm part of on Facebook (thanks to Brooke!) but I typically give up on things when they get hard for me- I had never run more than 5 miles in my life when I decided to run the Glass City Half Marathon. and that was years ago. running is 90% mental for me- my body is physically capable of it, but I often spend most of my run arguing with myself- "I can't do this anymore, I'm quitting- you're fine! you're moving! you're not in pain, keep going!" so for me this was a mental challenge almost as much as a physical one. I actually really loved the struggle and accomplishment every long run brought about, and the chance to listen to podcasts and not have so many thoughts constantly weighing on my mind for a couple hours every week.

the day before the half I was a ball of nerves. I spent tons of time Googling how to dress for the weather, what to eat, what to do to prepare (I had even already clipped my toenails before reading that article, win!), how to not be so nervous- truly that was the worst part of the whole experience, the nerves. when race morning came, freezing cold, I was so ready to just run it all off! it was exciting to be around so many people who shared the same nerves and drive- it was not so exciting to walk the first few minutes of the race until we finally reached the start line but that's what 6,000 people in a small space will do.

I felt great (until mile 7 at least- then I had to walk a bit too) and was so glad I spent weeks training, especially when lots of people started walking before mile 1- which was a huge surprise to me! I loved watching all of the volunteers and spectators with their signs, it truly made the time go by more quickly- and yes, as my favorite sign said, if Brittany survived 2007 I could definitely survive 13.1 miles ;) I tried to save some energy till mile 12 which surprisingly happened and I sprinted the final mile, sped past several people right at the end, and crossed the finish line...to no one.

DON'T get me wrong- I have wonderful, supportive family and friends- thanks Mom and Dad (and Martha) for watching Bee while I trained for several weeks, for watching her while I woke up at 4:30AM for the race, and the cheers from them along with Jaclyn & Dylan via the RaceJoy app were what got me through the last few miles for sure- but the joy I felt finishing was definitely diminished by being alone. I guess it makes sense to end that way since I trained solo and am a very independent person, but it was still an odd feeling.

onward and upward! the half may be over, but my sights are now on a personal record finish time for a 5K- the Kip Boulis on Memorial Day! I am not thrilled with an average mile pace of 12:23ish for the half, so I'm now focusing on speedwork and a sub-30 5K is the goal. I get that not everyone is a runner or has any desire to be, but I'm loving this stage of life and the ability to do this while I can!

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