Thursday, December 31, 2020

Our 2020 family newsletter

 Didn’t realize it had been since April since I blogged, but that feels about right for this year. I took a month off of social media recently and now every time I try to to post, it either feels too thought out and wordy, or not important enough to share. 

Rather than make a too wordy caption on an adorable picture of B, here’s a few of our life updates via blog.

Lexi’s year-

-I’m grateful to be working in a job that has allowed me to work from home since March 17th. The week before we went to working from home, I was put into situations where clients were sick and didn’t tell us and I would sit there worrying how contagious they were and if I would be bringing something home. I am grateful all the time that my employer cares about our health and takes the pandemic seriously so there have been no more scary situations like that. Also, the employer I left for my current job would never have allowed me this same safe work setup.

-I continue to run for fun- I love being alone, being outside, listening to podcasts, and arguing with my brain that I’m strong and can do it no matter how much I want to quit. I have no set goals but want to run more in 2021 than I have before.

-I have basically been living the same life as I had pre-quarantine. I remember all the time that many years ago my two best friends were joking about how they could never live with me because I’d be so needy and always want someone to spend time with- well, jokes sure on them for that one because I’m the only one of them who has ever lived alone, and being a single mom I was already basically socially distancing before it was cool. I see my family sometimes, my best friends even more infrequently, but otherwise I have just resigned myself to ‘this is life now’ and am used to being ‘alone’ (you’re never alone with a child).

-I have watched a ton of Survivor, The Challenge, binged The Queen’s Gambit, and am now watching The Flight Attendant. These are my interests, along with baking and loving my friends from afar 😄

B’s year

-Her birthday party happened in the nick of time the weekend right before everything shutdown, which was a huge blessing so she still got to celebrate turning 3. We have gotten back in touch with her first family and have visited with them several times, and hope to do so even more as Covid-19 cases decline. 

-She watches movies and tells me ‘they should have masks on!’ when there’s scenes of people inside. My babe is a pro at wearing masks (except for always licking them). She basically only goes into the donut shop for our weekly trip, and yet has not complained once about her totally shifted lifestyle of rarely leaving the house. After a brief stint of feeling ‘safe’, we put our Y membership on hold and she wistfully talks about when we’ll get to go swimming again she can’t wait to bring her mermaid Barbie there. 

-After over a year with no answers to sleep issues, she had her sleep study done and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. She had 6 apnea episodes an hour on average during the study! The pulmonologist led us slightly astray and delayed it a lot, but seeing a great ENT led us even further to answers and B will have her tonsils and adenoids out in February, along with thinning her nasal passages. 

-She is musical and sings her favorite songs on key all day- The Greatest Showman, Hamilton and Tarzan are her current favorites. She would rather sit and watch Survivor with me and then try to imitate the challenges than play with her toys, something we’re working on 😆 She continues to be the light of my life and as much as she challenges me, she is so intelligent and caring and her life matters so much. 

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